The Mentorship Program

A mentorship program meant to take you into your wildest dreams, hire me as your Spiritual advisor, Healer and coach to help you manifest your purpose in this life!
This mentorship is for the Mission + Purpose oriented Woman, who knows she is here for a life of FREEDOM + PURPOSE + ABUNDANCE

For you who are wanting to clear any and all blockages that are preventing you from living your lives fullest expression!
And to have a Mentor and Healer closely by your side to help you reprogram your mind and energetic patterns in your life in order to have unwavering faith, confidence, and self-belief on your souls highest path of abundance, success and purposeful freedom as you help others in your own unique way.

What we work on together

    • Cord removal from both previous and current relationships (family, friends, romantic..) to call back your integral energy and release others energies that can be traced back to abundance blocks, self doubt and freedom blocks

    • Quantum re-patterning of your subconscious mind + inner child healing to Master your mindset and release ALL negative belief systems

    • Quantum re-patterning of energy patterns that are blocking you (through shamanic healing, reprogramming and energetic alchemy processes)

    • Intuitive channeling, spiritual teachings & spiritual advice from Spirit guides for clarity & direction on aligned action

    • Energetic Activations and healings through channeled light codes

    • Reclaim power animal, guides and Spirit helpers for calling in deeper support for your own journey and your Mission, service and Purpose

    • Activating the Divine feminine / Masculine archetypes and templates in *your life* for how you receive and call in Abundance

    • Activation for your blueprint around your Mission, Purpose and Soul DNA

    • + Mentoring and coaching to help you go from Vision to Reality and take Aligned action

    • Shamanic energy healings, clearings and ceremonies (past life healing, karmic ties, ancestral healing, collective energy removal)

    • Soul retrievals  (calling back pieces of your soul that might’ve been lost during traumas / challenges / relationships)

    • To strengthen your confidence, POWER and authentic expression

    • Holotropic breathwork and other breathwork techniques for deeper somatic trauma release, activating energies in your body, connecting to your Higher self, releasing stuck emotions

    • Shadow work to heal past versions of you to make sure you become a VIBRATIONAL match for your desires, dreams and goals

    • Grounding earth work to support your safety and stability ( release anxieties, stressors and worries) as you fulfill your life’s Purpose with clarity and direction

I design these packages entirely after you and what you need / desire - we create our own plan. Initially this is what we follow:

~ 3 monthly deep dive sessions (around 90 minutes each session) of mentoring, healing work or practical support to get things moving!

~ You have full access to me and my number - for phone / video calls, voice notes etc.. for whenever you need guidance, want something channeled or needing a mini healing when you move through a challenge or breakthrough!

~ Personal recordings, teachings and support to go along with our sessions (such as trainings, subliminals, personal hypnosis etc)

*this also naturally includes training in your own gifts as you evolve on your own spiritual path - something we design together depending on YOU and what YOU desire to activate for yourself*

So what’s included?

Shamanic Healing, Holotropic Breathwork, Quantum Mindset Reprogramming + Intuitive Coaching

 I work both in a Shamanic way and with Holotropic breathwork as well as a combination of other healing techniques and practices to rewire beliefs, energy and emotions. 

I always work Intuitively with your energy and your unique 'blueprint' - each session might look very different from the other depending on where you are at, the state of your energy and the chapter in life you are IN.

The Holotropic Breathwork will be a tool for the physical release of blocks, stuck energies and emotions IN your body such as stress and trauma. This will help you open your energetic field to become the highest version of you and to HOLD the frequency of your mission, dreams, impact, highest version of you.

We will also work with Breathwork to support a deeper state of inner peace, clarity, self-love and a stronger spiritual connection as it helps you to tap into different states of consciousness.

The Shamanic healing and journeying is more focused on the energetics of the healings we do - it’s a more “subtle” but yet very powerful way of shifting blockages, receive clarity and heal past wounds. We will be strengthening your grounding and call back your Life force, pieces of your soul, release karmic ties and clear collective / ancestral belief and energy systems.

I will also guide you through Quantum re-patternings which is very similar to hypnosis, combined with the Shamanic way of working. Different meditations and activations and much more...

Your only job is to TRUST, SURRENDER AND RECEIVE - and my job is to guide you through every part of this journey to get to the root and SHIFT what is not serving you in this lifetime.

If you feel so READY to go into this expansive life changing journey - where there will be major transformations and shifts both internally and in your external reality - the portal is open for you and I am here as your guide.