The self-paced healing program designed to help you build unhinged self-love, a newfound sense of confidence & belief in yourself in less than a month - through shamanic healing, holotropic breathwork and subconscious reprogramming (+ a sprinkle of magic).

This is for you Queen!

Designed and curated from my heart to yours, using the exact same tools that has helped my clients go from struggling in life with relationships, procrastinating and not being able to work towards goals & dreams with clarity and simply not feeling confident TO

= Unhinged confidence, self-love, a sense of belief and trust in self + life AND healthy, beautiful relationships + dreams coming true. 

This program will help you:

✔ Clear feelings of unworthiness & feeling ‘not good enough’

✔ Clear negative self-talk and self-doubt

✔ Clear shame & guilt

✔ Clear self-sabotage around your success, goals and dreams, abundance + relationships

Are you feeling tired of being stuck in the saaame patterns of feeling unworthy, not good enough and all the fears, worries and self-sabotage that comes with that?


You struggle with believing in yourself and this ripples out into your entire life - and you are ready for radical self-belief so you can stop putting hold on your potential that you KNOW you have. 

You are noticing a lot of doubt in whether you can manifest a healthy romantic partner and you are feeling stuck in that area. OR you are already in a relationship and noticing self-sabotage patterns - and you are so ready to start loving yourself SO much that you KNOW that you are simply the type of person that manifests your dream soulmate relationship as if nothing else would ever exist. 

You are wanting to start your own business and/or pursue your passion in life but you feel stuck in shame,  imposter syndrome and/or fear of failing so you procrastinate - and you are ready to just be the type of woman that cares so much about your passion & goals in life that your self-belief is over the roof. You have faith, trust and are on FIRE with creating your best life. 

You are afraid of being rejected, judged or ‘fail’ so you hold back on pursuing your dreams and goals out of fear that this will happen - rather than choosing yourself unapologetically - and you are ready to just be the type of woman that don’t care anymore what other people think, you know your WORTH and that nothing can stop you from being your own biggest cheerleader. You also know that you standing in your light + love will help others do the same. 

You are in constant people-pleasing mode and/or are too afraid of being yourself fully because deep down you don’t think you are worthy or good enough, which is causing anxiety and disharmony - and you are done feeling unworthy and you are not treating yourself like you would with your own daughter. You love yourself, you have boundaries and feel proud being who you are. 

I care less what other people think of me and I stand in my own power. I feel confident, happier and like anything is possible, I believe even more in magic!
— Amanda
The sessions I’ve had with Denice have been extremely powerful! I’ve released blocks that keep me away from living my true authentic self and I can’t even remember what I was so afraid of before.
I had big shifts in my mindset, how I look at myself, my beliefs and my overall look on life.
— Linda
I more easily let go of things I could go around worrying about. I would absolutely recommend others to do this journey, it was so much I got with me, other thoughts, breaking habits and so fantastic with breathwork
— Johanna


All phases include a healing, in the form of a video recording or an audio recording, and comes together with a practice. 

It is designed for you to do for 5 weeks - 1 x phase per week where you do a healing and then a weekly practice to integrate the healing (but you can do it in any pace you prefer).

1 x Inner child healing session to Clear Unworthiness (similar to self-hypnosis)

1 x Holotropic Breathwork session to Manifest self love

1 x Shamanic Healing to Clear shame/guilt/fear (soul retrieval + energy cord removal)

1 x Subconscious Reprogramming session (a form of healing where I mix EMDR with words of affirmations and visualisation as I speak directly to your subconscious mind + your senses)

✔ 1 x Final release through Holotropic Breathwork session


BONUS 1: Increase Your Magnetism Activation

BONUS 2: Self Love Meditation (for daily use in your ritual)

So you receive a total of 5 healing sessions together with instructions, manifestation practices and healing practices to support you during this month of self-love reclamation!

*This course is self-paced and you have no time limit to access the recordings, meaning you can listen to them as much as you want and whenever you want*


Denice Hedstrom is a Transformational Healer, Mindset Coach and Mentor who specializes in helping women unlock confidence, self-worth and soul purpose.

She is trained and experienced in healing methods such as Subconscious reprogramming & emotional processing, Shamanism, Breathwork and Ayurvedic feminine form healing.

Her passion for helping others stems from her own experiences of self-healing and radically changing her life after struggling with childhood trauma, addiction recovery and anxiety.

At the age of 17, she found herself at rehab, having her first ‘wake-up call’ and spiritual awakening that later in life led her to a deeper interest in psychology, understanding trauma's effect on behavior and transforming pain into purpose. 

Denice has Swedish and Zanzibarian roots and after growing up in Sweden she decided to travel the world and relocated to Bali where she spent 6 years of her life while dedicating her time to her studies, strengthened her healing crafts and started serving people in their life journeys.

She found a way to change her life into a life filled with unwavering self-love, confidence and empowerment of her reality as she realized her dreams along the way and decided to start helping others how to do the same. 

Denice has worked with over 180+ clients worldwide with incredible results and shifts. Her mission is to help awaken thousands of women to their unlimited potential, reclaim full control of their lives and live in total freedom and purpose!



Is this program live?

No, these are recorded healings in the format of video and audio that you receieve instant access to.

What happens after I have paid for the program?

You will receive an email sent out to the adress you choose when you do the payment. In the email you will get instant access to the Course Self Love Bundle and start your healing journey today!

Are there refunds?

Due do the nature of this service there are no refunds. You agree to the Terms and conditions stated HERE as you purchase this program.