Meet Denice Hedstrom

I love seeing women rise and work through the challenges of life to come out stronger and more powerful than ever before!

I am an intuitive  Transformational Healer, Mindset Coach and Mentor. Trained and experienced in healing methods such as Subconscious reprogramming & emotional processing, Shamanism, Breathwork and Ayurvedic feminine form healing.

My passion and purpose is to be serving women who are seeking to deeply heal their past and transform their lives as they step fully into their potential, purpose, freedom & abundance!

I have worked with over 180+ clients worldwide, different ages, from different backgrounds with incredible results and shifts. My work has its roots from own experiences of self healing and radically changing my life.

I grew up in Sweden and have traveled and lived abroad for many years, Bali was a big part of the journey and it was on this land that I strengthened my craft.

For a long time I have worked intuitively with my own healing, energy, ‘the unseen’ realms and trauma release through the lens of spirituality, energy and the power of manifestation in the quantum field.

My passion for helping others stems from my own journey of healing myself from childhood trauma, early life abandonment trauma, daily anxiety, toxic patterns & relationships - having transformed self-destructive behaviour & constant anxiety into a life of deep self-love, confidence, worthiness, peace and empowerment of the creation of my reality (and massive dreams come true!).

I am now on a Mission to help awaken thousands of women worldwide into the empowerment of their life & to help them self heal so that they can live in their fullest potential and have full control in their life in total freedom so that they can step into their Missions and the impact that they are here to make!

‘Together we thrive, rise and heal as a tribe of soul-centered, heart-centered women. Together we co-create the New Earth.’

“I met Denice at the beginning of the year, where we started to work on calling in my wildest dreams, since then I have continued to work with her and am in an amazing relationship, really successful in my work and moving to a new country. I definitely couldn’t have created all of this without her”

— Caitlin