Terms & Conditions


Please read these terms and conditions carefully and make sure that you understand them before committing to any of the Programs or Services provided.

These Terms and Conditions form part of your agreement with Denice Hedstrom Global (Denice Hedström – Sole Trader), and your booking and purchasing of a session, package and/or program will constitute acceptance of these Terms and Conditions when you become a client.

By taking part in any program or session offered by Denice Hedstrom Global, you understand and agree that results are not guaranteed and results may vary between clients. Denice Hedstrom Global agrees to deliver the coaching and/or healing package to the best of her ability, using her wisdom and expertise, but all results are under personal responsibility. 

You understand that this therapy is not a substitute for medical advice and/or treatment and all advice and suggestions are given from pure intention and are also received by you to implement as the client under personal responsibility. 

As a client of Denice Hedstrom Global you agree to the following:

I agree to receive and implement every coaching and healing either live or through the recording to the best of my ability and I understand that it is my personal responsibility what I do with the teachings, practices and healings received. 

I recognise that results require taking personal responsibility and commitment to do the work and make the changes in my life.  

I agree to acknowledge that there may be challenges that arises as I open to this healing experience, as things that are meant to fall out of my life that are not in alignment: might do so. I am open to receive the changes that comes with the personal growth I decide to commit to.

I agree to receive support when support is being provided. 

I understand that due to the nature of coaching and healing packages, no refunds will be provided at any time, for any reason. 

If I am under medical care or the care of another healthcare provider, my work with Denice Hedstrom Global will compliment the work being done by my other providers. I will not discontinue use of any medications without first speaking to my physician. 

I agree that Denice Hedstrom Global will not be held responsible for any mental, financial, relationship, emotional, physical or any other type of hardship experienced throughout the time of any coaching and/or healing services. Clients are responsible for their own wellbeing and decisions.


All private sessions and/or group programmes bought are non refundable. If you have paid for a private one-off session or a private package of sessions and need to reschedule the times you have booked in the calendar, you can do that by contacting Denice Hedström directly at denicehedstromglobal@gmail.com.

If you have chosen to pay in installments for your private session/s and you for any reason have issues financially to pay off the monthly installments, you can contact Denice Hedström directly to discuss a new payment plan that suits you.

If you have signed up to a group program and chosen to pay in installments and you for any reason have issues financially to pay off the installments, you can contact Denice Hedström directly to discuss a new payment plan that suits you.

In regards of the timeline agreed upon for payment plans, this will either be stated clearly in the program you sign up to (monthly / weekly payment installments) or agreed upon together by you, and Denice Hedström before the program starts when you sign up via direct contact with Denice.


All prices are in EURO currency with VAT included in the price.