1-1 Sessions

1-1 Sessions

Every session is unique and designed for you and the results you are wanting


You can book a 90 minute or 2.5-3h session online via ZOOM. We begin the session with discussing what you want to focus on as a result. I then guide you through the process and we finish with integrating what came through during the session.

Payment & Booking:

You can choose a time to get started with your session according to the availability in the calendar. When you have choosen a time in the calendar that suits you - you will be redirected to the payment portal to proceed with the booking.

You will then receive a booking confirmation to your email and I will contact you via WhatsApp or email within 48h after booking to prepare you for the session.

If you by any chance need to reschedule you can do so through contacting me at denicehedstromglobal@gmail.com. If you can not find a time that suits you in the calendar, please reach out to me and we will find a time together!

Terms and conditions:

As you purchase a session you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on this website.

90min - 3h sessions via Zoom or request for in-person

  • In a subconscious reprogramming session we are focused on shifting and reprogramming your subconscious mind in order to master your Mindset!

    This can be perceived similar to a hypnosis as I bring you into a hypnotic state and guide you back into childhood / past memories in order to find the root to where you have received “negative” or limiting beliefs.

    We will work both with the beliefs in an interactive way while also removing any energetic cords attached between you and the experience / any specific souls involved to make sure you come back to your integral energy.

    Inside this healing we work with the quantum field in a way where you will be reprogramming both past, present and future beliefs at the same time, working with different versions of you at different stages in life.

    How you can benefit from it:

    • Shift negative programming around fears, worries and doubts

    • Shift negative programming around insecurities, confidence and self-esteem blocks

    • Shift negative programming around your purpose, business and success, your abundance and freedom

    • Shift negative programming from collective, ancestral and childhood belief systems (scarcity, abundance blocks, receiving, safety, speaking your authentic truth, people pleasing etc..)

  • Holotropic Breathwork is an in-depth, high energy technique for somatic healing work that allows you to both Release stored energies & emotions (built up stress, blocks with confidence / self-love, anxiety, specific trauma, worries / fears..) while also accessing deeper states of consciousness for spiritual and personal development.

    This process helps you in accessing parts of your psyche and stored memories that essentially supports you in removing energetic blockages. It allows you to trigger a purging process where the energy leaves your body and new activating energies come through.

    How you can benefit from it:

    • It can be used to increase your self-love & confidence, power and creativity, deep relaxation, inner peace and trust.

    • On a more subtle and spiritual level: It can help you to increase your self-awareness, receive deep clarity, connect to your Visions, Spirit guides and create a strong energy of Faith in your soul's journey.

    What happens in the session?

    • Before we start the session we address what it is you are desiring to receive from it, I open up a sacred space and protection around you as I work shamanically and guide you through the entire process with my voice, specific music to help you go deeper into different states of consciousness and shamanic drumming

    • We finish with integrating your experience and map out some strategic ways to move forward with the healing that took place & you’ll receive some simple tools to have with you after this session.

  • Through shamanic healing we can address and get to the root cause of blockages that are holding you back from experiencing the life you truly desire. It supports you in tapping into new “agreements” in a way where you get to come back to your natural state (confidence, deeper worthiness, trust in yourself and others, safety, abundance, your capacity to receive…) and living in your truest potential.

    This can look like healing the root cause to why you feel: fear, feeling stuck, guilt, reliving a negative loop of thought patterns or habits, insecurities, anxiety, unworthiness or any other ‘lower emotions’ by going back into either past memories / traumas / experiences from this lifetime or from past life as well as returning energy back to where it came from and retrieving parts of your Soul that you might have lost throughout life.

    The sessions I offer are either focused on:

    • Cord removals and Soul retrievals (taking back parts of your soul that you have lost) from this life,

    • Past life healings and/or karmic blockages to remove any patterns stopping you from living the life you desire to live (more abundance, releasing negative habits, relationship blocks, anxiety etc..)

    • Ancestral healing as well as general Shamanic Energy clearings (chakra work, protections, grounding etc) to CLEAR any and ALL lower frequencies that are keeping you stuck).

    • Shamanic Intuitive journeys to connect with your Spirit guides, spirit animals and Higher self for intuition, purpose and clarity.

    The chakra systems are always involved in the process and we work with energy both from the past, present and future as they are all intertwined.

    Sometimes we experience challenges or internal struggles in life without really understanding why - in some cases the root cause to it is clear but in some cases we need help to see our ‘blind spots’ which is what we get to do in a shamanic journey.

    In these sessions we also get to shift the limiting beliefs correlated with the core energy and call in your desired beliefs.